SRA 2015

Society for Risk Analysis 2015 Annual Meeting

05 décembre 2015

Arlington - Etats Unis

La conférence annuelle Society for Risk Analysis aura lieu du 6 au 10 décembre 2015 à Arlington aux Etats-Unis. Le thème abordé sera « Empires of Risk Analysis: Science, Policy and Innovation ».

Secalim y présentera ses travaux de recherches avec une présentation orale de Géraldine Boué qui a obtenu une bourse pour s’y rendre.

Development of an integrated risk-benefit assessment model to evaluate the health impact of breast milk and infant formula diets

Géraldine Boué1,2, Enda Cummins3, Sandrine Guillou1,2, Jean-Philippe Antignac4,2 Bruno Le Bizec4 and Jeanne-Marie Membré2,1*

1 LUNAM University, Oniris, UMR1014 Secalim, F-44307 Nantes, France.

2 INRA, F-44307 Nantes, France.

3 UCD School of Biosystems Engineering, Dublin, Ireland.

4 LUNAM University, Oniris, USC 1329 Laboratoire d’Etude des Résidus et Contaminants dans les Aliments (LABERCA), F-44307 Nantes, France.

*Corresponding author: Jeanne-Marie Membré,, +33 240 684 058, INRA, UMR1014, SECALIM, Oniris la Chantrerie G5, route de Gachet CS 40706, F-44307 Nantes Cedex 3.


Résumé des présentations :

The first months of an infant’s life are crucial for short and long term healthy physiological development. Breast milk is recognised as the best natural diet, however powder infant formula currently represents a necessary alternative in Western countries. Various beneficial and adverse health effects related to microbiological, chemical and nutritional fields have been associated with both diets. In this context, the objective of this study was to develop an integrated risk-benefit assessment model to evaluate the overall health impact of breast milk and infant formula diets.

This model focused on factors known to contribute health effects for each field, namely Cronobacter sakazakii for microbiology, polychlorinated biphenyls for chemistry and docosahexaenoic acid for nutrition. A probabilistic second order model which separated variability and uncertainty was developed and implemented in Excel 2010 using the @Risk software (version 6.3.1) to carry out Monte Carlo simulation. Data were collected from the scientific literature, reports of food safety agencies and expert elicitations. Model outputs were expressed in the same unit (Disability Adjusted Life Year, DALY) to compare the three components.

In this communication the model will be presented in addition to the main outputs: the assessment of risks and benefits associated with both diets, i.e. 6 months of breastfeeding vs 6 months of formula feeding. In addition, outputs from two scenarios of milk preparation will be discussed: powder hydration with water at ambient temperature or with boiled water. This model will enable progress on the evaluation of potential management options leading to recommendations on infant diet and guidance on milk preparation techniques.

The authors would like to acknowledge the technical training from the Erasmus+ Intensive Programme “Quantitative Tools for Sustainable Food and Energy in the food chain” of the European Union, Project No: 2014-1-MT01-KA200-000327.


Key words: risk-benefit assessment, probabilistic model, food safety, nutrition, breast milk and infant formula


Date de création : 11 septembre 2023